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bearded dragons, Blog, blue tongue lizard, blue tongue skinks, breeders, chahoua, crested gecko, gargoyle gecko, leachie, PETS, reptiles, tikisgeckos -

SOUTH FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS WEST PALM BEACH Expo Center West OCTOBER 21-22 Saturday 10-6p | Sunday 10-5p PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS HERE:  "At Scales Reptile and Fish Expo, our mission is to provide a platform for breeders, exhibitors, and enthusiasts to come together and share their knowledge, passion, and expertise for reptiles, fish, and other exotic animals. We strive to promote responsible pet ownership, conservation, and animal welfare through education and community involvement. Our goal is to create a fun, interactive, and educational environment where attendees of all ages and experience levels can learn about the amazing world of exotic animals. We believe that by...

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    2023 Gecko Symposium Calling all gecko enthusiasts, hobbyists, and breeders! The much-awaited 2023 Gecko Symposium is just around the corner, and this year's event promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Hosted as part of the NARBC Tinley Park Reptile Show, this symposium brings together some of the most renowned experts in the reptile world to share their knowledge and insights on various popular gecko species. From stunning Iranian Giant Leopard Geckos to the captivating Uroplatus species, this event has something to offer for everyone intrigued by the world of geckos. The Place to Be: The NARBC...

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Giant Day Geckos (Phelsuma grandis)   Introduction: If you're searching for a truly captivating and unique pet, look no further than the mesmerizing Giant Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis). These magnificent creatures, native to Madagascar, have gained immense popularity among reptile enthusiasts worldwide due to their striking appearance, engaging behavior, and relatively easy care requirements. In this blog, we'll explore why Giant Day Geckos make such fascinating and amazing pets, and how they can bring a touch of the exotic to your home. We have been keeping and breeding hundreds of Day Geckos for over 10 years so you can feel...

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Two popular choices among reptile enthusiasts are the Bearded Dragon and the Blue Tongue Skink. Both creatures bring a unique charm to the table, but which one is right for you? In this blog, we will delve into the advantages of owning a Bearded Dragon and a Blue Tongue Skink as pets.

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Geckos are fascinating creatures and make great pets for both novice and experienced reptile owners. If you are considering getting your first gecko, there are a few important things to keep in mind to ensure that you choose the right species, create the right habitat, and provide the right care. Choosing the Right Species: The first step in getting your first gecko is to research different species and decide which one is right for you. Some of the most popular gecko species for beginners include leopard geckos, crested geckos, gargoyle geckos and African fat-tailed geckos. Each species has its own...

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